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CeraVe Psoriasis Cleanser, 237 ML

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With 2% salicylic acid to help relieve irritated skin, lactic acid for mild exfoliation, three essential ceramides to promote skin-barrier function, moisturizing glycerin and urea, plus soothing niacinamide, CeraVe Psoriasis Cleanser gently cleanses psoriasis-prone skin, removes scales and helps the skin retain moisture.

  • Made For: Dry Skin; Psoriasis-Prone Skin
  • Helps With: Psoriasis Cleansing

Psoriasis-prone skin has special needs, and it requires gentle exfoliation along with soothing and moisture-retaining ingredients to help calm your skin. A psoriasis body wash with salicylic acid helps relieve the itching, scaling, redness, flaking and irritation associated with psoriasis and helps prevent the recurrence of these symptoms.

Meanwhile, a formula infused with exfoliating lactic acid, niacinamide to calm the skin and ceramides to help restore the skin’s barrier and maintain hydration levels can help keep your skin clear and comfortable.

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