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Cos De Baha AZ Azelaic Acid 10 Serum

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Descriptions :

Has anyone not thought about how to get rid of acne before? Seeing red, swollen skin and rough skin can only make you feel stuffy. The fact that people of all ages can get acne used to bother many people. Many people still say that they've tried everything good for acne, but it hasn't worked. In solving red and sore skin acne, Azelaic Acid is a new emerging solution. In the past, no one really knew about it, but now everyone wants to try it out at least once. We'd like to help you solve your skin problems through Serum with Azelaic Acid, which Cos De BAHA has prepared for a long time. Now, check for yourself the effects of improving the texture of your skin

  • Effects of the product:
  • Helps to repair damaged tissue
  • Azelaic acid for acne scars
  • Hyperpigmentation
  • Rosacea
  • Helps to brighten and clear skin

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