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Skin Cafe Sweet Orange Essential Oil, 10 ML

Price৳ 370৳ 400

App Price ৳ 360

Descriptions :

Skin Cafe 100% Natural Sweet Orange Essential Oil is an absolutely pure essential oil extracted from the peel of the sweet orange. Its sweet and citrusy fragrance will instantly give a feeling of happiness and warmth. This essential oil has several benefits.  

Skin Cafe 100% Natural Sweet Orange Essential Oil will nourish the dry, irritated and acne-prone skin, reduce under eye bags or puffiness and improve the texture of skin by promoting clarity, radiance and smoothness. In addition it can help to mitigate the side effects of makeup on the skin. It will help with hair growth as well. This oil will help to improve digestion and eliminate toxins from the body. The pleasant scent of this essential oil will give a calming and relaxing effect. This oil can also be used as both perfume and air freshener.

  • 100% natural Aromatic
  • Anti-oxidant Anti-inflammatory
  • Anti-fungal
  • Anti-microbial
  • Anti-septic
  • Anti-spasmodic
  • Anti-anxiety
  • Anti-depressant
  • Can be used on both skin and hair
  • Suitable for all skin types
  • Country of Origin: USA

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